Our services are open to families who live in Norfolk and are registered with a GP within Norwich, South Norfolk (excluding Thetford), North Norfolk and West Norfolk.
This is a pathway for children where there are concerns regarding possible neurodevelopmental conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Supporting evidence should include an accompanying supporting assessment report ideally from an educational psychologist, Specialist Learning Support Teacher (SLST) or specialist behaviour support teacher (based at one of the Short Stay School’s for Norfolk, SSSfN).
Reports from professionals with appropriate equivalent experience and knowledge (e.g. specially trained SENCOs, speech and language therapists, clinical psychologists) will be accepted, but must contain the following:
- Detailed observations of behaviours which are suggestive of underlying neurodevelopmental difficulties, to include examples of the child’s social communication, interaction, and behaviour during structured and unstructured times
- Details about attention, concentration and any difficulties with impulsivity and hyperactivity
- Details of the child’s expressive language and comprehension ability
- Details of the child’s overall level of cognitive functioning and potential in comparison to their peers
An example of a good referral would include the following:
- 1) Concerns about a neurodevelopmental condition across settings which are long standing
- a. Information about any other known important information such as diagnoses or concerns such as early life stressors, mental health issues
- b. Information about support offered in relation to these difficulties
- 2) Information from school (either from a specialist learning support teacher or a SENCO or an educational psychologist). This information to include the following
- a. Insight into current academic levels
- b. Information to suggest that these difficulties are having a significant impact on social/ emotional or academic functioning
- c. Some evidence that support has been tried in school such as referral to educational psychologist, specialist learning support teacher, emotional help in school
For ASD – Information should provide:
- Information about social communication (use of language, quality of language, gestures, ability to participate in conversations)
- Information about their social interaction (interaction with peers, adults, awareness of social norms, interaction in social situations in school)
- Information about any other issues such as issues with change, difficulties with imaginative play/ creative activities, repetitive interests, sensory needs,
For ADHD – Information should highlight concerns in relation to one or both of the following:
- Difficulties with inattention
- Difficulties with hyperactivity and impulsivity
Please note: referrals without this evidence from school will be returned to the referrer.