Certain minor illnesses can be seen quickly and efficiently in our minor illness clinic. Our practice nurses, Nicola and Wendy, provide same day appointments for minor illnesses and other health needs, including contraception.
This service is available to patients (aged 5 years and over) on a daily basis, Monday to Thursday. Patients can consult Nicola or Wendy, our experienced and qualified nurses with specialist knowledge in minor illness, who will assess the problem, give healthcare advice and issue a prescription if required.
A doctor is available if the nurse requires a further opinion.
To book an appointment for our minor illness clinic, please visit our appointments page.
Types of ailments
The minor illness service is available to patients aged 5 years and over. The following is a list of ailments that can be assessed and treated by our minor illness nurses:
- Minor injuries
- Insect bites
- Boils
- Burns
- Cold and flu
- Cuts and bruises
- Wound infections
- Skin infections – abscesses (not dental)
- Cough – non-asthmatic (If you have a history of asthma, we would
prefer you to see the specialist respiratory nurse.) - Diarrhoea and vomiting
- Ears – infection, pain, blocked
- Eyes – conjunctivitis, sties
- Fungal Infection – nails/feet
- Mouth – ulcers, cold sores
- Period problems
- Scalds and burns
- Shingles
- Sore throat
- STIs
- Sunburn
- Threadworm
- Headlice
- Eczema
- Tonsillitis
- Urinary tract infection – females only (males to see GP)
- Vaginal discharge
- Emergency oral contraception
There are some exclusions from the minor illness clinic, which will require further medical opinion from a GP:
- Patients under five years of age
- Pregnancy
- Severe chest pains or severe difficulty breathing
- Having convulsions
- Coughing / vomiting blood
- Sudden loss of sight
- Rashes
- Bleeding profusely from any orifice
These clinics are also not for patients who have long term medical conditions seeking advice or a review.